Kurrajong Therapy Plus recently hosted a Welcome/Acknowledge to Country and a Cultural smoking ceremony at their Tatton centre.

Kurrajong Therapy Plus recently hosted a Welcome/Acknowledge to Country and a Cultural smoking ceremony at their Tatton centre.

Kurrajong Therapy Plus recently hosted a Welcome/Acknowledge to Country and a Cultural smoking ceremony at their Tatton centre, inviting community members, clients, staff, and families. The ceremony, led by Luke Wighton, a local Wiradjuri man from Yuluug Cultural Programs, included engaging elements such as storytelling, didgeridoo performance, and the smoking ceremony.

Before the smoking ceremony, Luke warmly welcomed everyone to Country. Using native plants sourced from the land, he delicately smouldered them to generate cleansing smoke. This ancient practice, renowned for its purifying properties, is aimed at dispelling negative energies and fostering the well-being of our community members and guests in the Country. Attendees were invited to walk through the smoke for personal purification, followed by the entire building undergoing the cleansing ritual.

Participating in events that showcase diverse cultures is a truly enriching experience that brings us all closer together, contributing positively to the overall well-being of our community.

Thank you to Luke for your beautiful Welcome/Acknowledge to Country and smoking ceremony. We are proud to live and work in Wiradjuri country; thank you for welcoming us here.