Garden Transformation Journey!

Leonie, a valued member of Kurrajong’s Drop-In Support Gardening program, embarked on a mission to revamp her garden and enhance her independence.

Leonie, a recipient of Kurrajong’s Drop-In Support Gardening program, welcomes assistance every fortnight to bolster her independence within the comforts of her home.

During her transition to her latest residence, Leonie reached out to Kurrajong, expressing her desire for support in transforming her garden. Her vision was to create a space that boasted easy maintenance and a delightful sanctuary for relaxation. Despite having limited experience in gardening, Leonie articulated a well-defined plan for her dedicated support workers. They’ve worked together over the last 12 months to bring her vision to life. Leonie’s commitment and hard work have borne fruit, resulting in a garden that reflects her personality and preferences and stands as a testament to her dedication.

The garden has evolved into a thriving haven, a testament to Leonie’s unwavering efforts. Through this ongoing partnership with Kurrajong, Leonie maintains her independence. She takes great pride in her progress in creating a beautiful and functional outdoor space that she can call her own.