From Volunteering to Employment

Lilly’s Journey with Kurrajong’s Employment Preparation

At Kurrajong, success stories are not just tales but tangible outcomes of dedication, support, and hard work. Lilly’s journey is a testament to this ethos, showcasing how the Employment Preparation program at Kurrajong catalysed her career aspirations.

Lilly’s voyage began in 2020 when she embarked on Kurrajong’s Youth Employment Assistance (YEA) program, formerly SLES. Through this program, she honed her employment skills and gained invaluable experiences, setting the stage for her professional growth.

One significant milestone in Lilly’s journey was when Kurrajong’s Employment Preparation team facilitated her work experience at Amy Hurd Childcare. This opportunity provided her with firsthand exposure to the childcare sector, laying a solid foundation for her future endeavours.

However, Lilly’s commitment didn’t stop there. She dedicated her time and effort to volunteering at Amy Hurd Early Learning Centre for over three and a half years. Her unwavering determination and hard work didn’t go unnoticed, as in late 2023, Lilly’s persistence bore fruit – she secured a paid position as an Educator Assistant.

Now, Lilly spends her Thursdays and Fridays at Amy Hurd Early Learning Centre, fulfilling her role as an Educator Assistant with zeal and enthusiasm. Her responsibilities range from caring for the children to undertaking essential tasks such as changing nappies, preparing food, and ensuring cleanliness – each task executed with care and dedication.

The pride emanating from Kurrajong’s Employment Preparation team is palpable. Lilly’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of dedication and support. Her accomplishments reflect her individual triumph and underscore the effectiveness of programs like YEA in nurturing talent and fostering employment opportunities for individuals with diverse abilities.

To Lilly, we extend our heartfelt congratulations. Your journey inspires us all as a beacon of hope and determination. As you continue to flourish in your role, know that your success resonates deeply within the Kurrajong community, serving as a shining example of what can be achieved with perseverance and support. Here’s to many more milestones and successes on your remarkable journey ahead!